EventsTechnology for Prosperity

Technology for Prosperity

Wolfgang M. Heckl

Deutsches Museum Munich

Event from
23 January
Foto des Vortrags von Heckl



Scientific and technical education is not only a prerequisite for material prosperity in the future, it is of itself an immaterial factor in prosperity ­in that it equips the individual to deal with life’s challenges and also shapes his worldview. In the face of future challenges for mankind in the areas of environment, mobility, communication, etc., it is more important than ever to encourage research, development and implementation in the marketplace, particularly among young people.

Wolfgang M. Heckl

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang M. Heckl studied physics at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen, obtaining his doctorate in the field of biophysics. He has been Director-General of the Deutsches Museum since 2004 and heads the thematic network “Nanotech­nology” at the National Academy of Science and Engineering, Acatech. Wolfgang M. Heckl was Professor for Experimental Phy­sics at the LMU Muenchen between 1993 and 2009. Heckl’s book “Die Kultur der Repa­ratur”, published in August 2013, puts ­him in the vanguard of the current “Do-it-Yourself-Movement”.


Southwest view
Deutsches Museum Munich Foto: Deutsches Museum