EventsMembrane projects of GMP Architects – practice and perspectives

Membrane projects of GMP Architects – practice and perspectives

Martin Glass

GMP Architects, Munich, Germany

Event from
16 February
Foto von Martin Glass



On 16 February 2012 the Membrane Symposium entitled “Membrane Constructions for Energy-saving Renovation of Buildings (MESG)” was held at the Oskar von Miller Forum, Munich. As part of this one-day event, architect Martin Glass, a director at the Berlin office of the architectural firm of gmp. Gerkan, Marg und Partners held an evening lecture. 

Martin Glass

Martin Glass has been with the office of Gerkan, Marg und Partners since 1999. He was awarded the Egon Eiermann Prize in 2001. He was project manager of the following projects:
– Olympiastadion Berlin
– Commerzbank-Arena Frankfurt am Main
– Arena da Amazonia, Manaus, Brasilien


Gerkan, Marg und Partners (gmp) is one of the few architects’ offices that adopts a generalist position, assuming responsibility for a project from its inception to completion, including the interior design.
Over the past several years gmp has brought a number of spectacular membrane projects to fruition where membrane material was used in roofing, façades, ceiling covering or as convertible structure. Based on the experience gained through these projects but also with a view to the on-going development of textile building materials, Martin Glass, who has been actively engaged in membrane construction for 14 years, presented a retrospective view and outlined the future prospects regarding the many application possibilities and ­potential.