EventsImagining Urban Futures

Imagining Urban Futures

Maarten Hajer

Urban Futures Studio/Utrecht University, Utrecht

Event from
31 January
Photo from Maarten Hajer



Urban planner and political scientist Maarten Hajer founded the Urban Futures Studio to investigate why it is so difficult to conceive of new ­possible urban worlds. Using concepts such as ‘imaginary’ and ‘technique of futuring’ he aims to help regain the capacity to imagine alter­native possible urban worlds.

Climate change is a phenomenon that requires us to rethink existing socio-geographical arrangements. Maarten Hajer argued that the transition to ‘post-fossil urbanization’ is hampered by the lack of positive imaginations of alternative possible urban futures and post-fossil city life.

The Urban Futures Studio believes that new thinking begins at crossover points between distinct disciplines and in coalitions between new and old drivers of change.



In his lecture, Maarten Hajer also explained the Studio’s endeavour to redefine the role of university in the education of urban planners.

Maarten Hajer

Maarten A. Hajer is distinguished professor of Urban Futures and Director of the Urban Futures Studio at Utrecht University. He is also the Scientific Director of the university-wide strategic theme ‘Sustainability’ and the lead author of its new programme, ‘Pathways to Sustainability’. The Urban Futures Studio is devoted to the study of positive urban futures and of ways to get there. It investigates what it calls ‘Techniques of Futuring’. It is a transdisciplinary institute that conducts empirical research on existing practices, but also helps to initiate experiments.


The Urban Futures Studio is devoted to the study of positive urban futures and of ways to get there. It investigates what it calls ‘Techniques of Futuring’. It is a transdisciplinary institute that conducts empirical research on existing practices, but also helps to initiate experiments.

Photo from Maarten Hajer
Photo: © Astrid Eckert