EventsCourse ­Correction

Course ­Correction

Peter Head

The Ecological Sequestration Trust (TEST), London, Great Britain

Event from
16 January
Foto von Peter Head



Sustainable Development Goals are being drafted to replace the Millennium Development Goals in 2015. It is clear that eradication of extreme poverty requires transformational change which recognises planetary boundaries, mitigates and adapts to climate change and allows recovery of ecological systems alongside increased agriculture yields. It is in ­cities and their hinterland that this change is most needed through retrofit and new development models.


In his lecture, Peter Head described how The Ecological Sequestration Trust was created to bring together the world’s leading scientists, ­engineers, ecologists, economists and business-finance people to demonstrate new tools and approaches that are effective to support this transformation, including the finance needed.

Peter Head

Prof. Peter Head is a civil and structural engineer who specialised in major bridges, advanced composite technology and now in sus­tainable development in cities and regions. From 2004 until 2011 he headed the planning and integrated urbanism team at Arup, a ­global firm of consulting engineers, in London. Later he set up “The Ecological Sequestration Trust”, the objective of which is to connect the value to humans of ecology and investments of all kinds. He was cited by Time Magazine in 2008 as one of 30 global eco-heroes. Peter Head serves on UNSDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Network), a global initiative for the United Nations – supporting the development of the Post 2015 Development Goals.


The Ecological Sequestration Trust (TEST) wurde im Jahr 2011 gegründet, um auf städtisch-regionaler Ebene aufzuzeigen, wie eine Verbesserung der Energie-, Wasser- und Lebensmittelversorgung angesichts der multiplen Herausforderungen von Klimawandel, demografischem Wandel sowie zunehmender Ressourcenknappheit im Zuge einer schrittweisen Veränderung vollzogen werden kann.